“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead, anthropologist
The Sharon Historical Society strives to align volunteer opportunities with current Society needs and initiatives. We find this makes volunteering more purposeful and meaningful for all involved. We also find that many volunteers lead busy lives and that a rigid volunteer schedule is not always practical for the volunteer. Therefore, keep in mind that getting started with regular volunteer work at SHS might take some time and some experimentation for all involved! Just a few hours each month will make such a difference!
Please note: You must be at least 18 years of age or we must meet with your legal guardian before you start.

Act as an Ambassador
Our docents are the everyday faces of the Historical Society as they lead tours and answer the public’s questions. Becoming a docent at the Sharon Historical Society is easy - as easy as welcoming old friends into your own home. Docents receive training to learn about local history, and their knowledge is enhanced.
Come Dig our History
Do you like delving into historical records and objects? Do you like to get your hands dirty? The Historical Society is currently in the process of cataloging our collections, and we need your help. Attention to detail, some knowledge of computers, and the ability to work alone are all you need to get started. We’ll help you the rest of the way.