Give A Gift
The Sharon Historical Society and Museum is a non-profit, membership-based organization that depends on contributions from people who are passionate about local historic preservation and Schoharie County history — people like you. Whether in the form of membership dues, volunteer work, monetary contributions, or historical item donations, we appreciate your support. Your generosity and involvement allow us to maintain and rehabilitate the museum building and service our many community programs.
The Sharon Historical Society invites you to donate or become a member. Founded in 1987, the Society is dedicated to preserving Sharon and the surrounding areas' rich and unique heritage.
Since the Sharon Historical Society first formed in September of 1971 we continue to organize our many historical artifacts and our volunteers constantly work toward adding new and interesting exhibits each year.
The future of our Society depends upon memberships and contributions from our community. Membership dues cover ongoing costs such as building maintenance, computing, consulting, archival preservation, and exhibits. Our newsletters and website keep our members and Sharon’s surrounding communities apprised of upcoming programs or events, historical vignettes, and other interesting news.
Donate / Join Securely Online
We encourage you to donate and/or join our membership online using the button above, or you can print out a paper membership form and mail us a check. If so, a paper copy can be printed by clicking here.
Thank you for joining us!
Annual Membership - When you sign up as a member of Sharon Historical Society, you will receive our newsletter, free admission to the museum, advance notice of programs, and more.
Download MEMBERSHIP FORM (pdf)
Volunteer - With the many projects and special events going on in the museum, it's easy to find a place where your unique talents and interests can be utilized. Meet new people, get involved in local history, and enjoy the feeling that comes from volunteering time to such an important community organization!
Download VOLUNTEER FORM (pdf)
Historical Item Donations - For more information on how to make a donation of historical items relevant to Schoharie County communities, please contact us at (518) 860-5513 or Email Us